Family Engagement and Support
The Family Engagement and Support programs at Horizons at NCCS encourage families to get involved. Horizons at NCCS believes strongly that family members are essential to informing programming design, policies and practices, and that engaged families lead to better student participation and outcomes.
All families are invited to actively participate in our Family Council. The Family Council is led by 31 parents who serve as Family Grade Reps and meet every other month with Horizons Staff and then share the information with families in their grade and town. The full Family Council meets via Zoom every month to get updates and provide input and feedback.
Horizons family members are also encouraged to participate in programming as volunteers, helping with events like our Holiday Party and Teacher Appreciation lunch.
Every summer adult caregivers participate in our weekly adult swim lessons and make major strides in learning how to swim while making new connections.
Our families recognize the value of the experience their student/students are receiving through the Horizons program and they work to make their own contribution by being actively engaged and involved.